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Information and Resource Center
Virtual Business Center and Secretariat Office
About Us
Linking Needs with Resources
What We Do
Access to Development Businesses and Opportunities
Lamar Organization
Lamar Resources Center
Professional Representation
Project Identification and Tracking Process
Project Management, Administrative and Logistical Services
Training and Capacity-building/Information, Education and Communications/Events and Conference Management
Legal Services
Accounting Services

Project Management, Administrative & Logistical Services

When our clients are engaged on Philippine-based projects, it is normal for us to execute the required project support, administrative and logistical services.

Project Management

The firm has established track record in providing management services to agencies/clients. These services include but not limited to management of:

  • Operations
  • Personnel/consultants
  • Project finances
  • Information Technology

Administrative and Logistical Services

Administrative and logistical requirements in all phases of complex processes (i.e., program and business development) and even simple ones as setting up of an office for a particular need are simply enormous. Lamar takes pride in its track record of being able to efficiently and creatively respond to these kinds of demands. Its services include setting up of offices, recruitment of technical and support staff, facilitating processing of visa and working permits, procurement of goods and services, shipment and importation of equipment/vehicles, setting up of computer systems, and similar services.

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